Midwest Zonal Forum Guidelines
3.02 Encourage and facilitate inter-regional communication to all levels of service. Sharing our common concerns and questions with the WSC.
3.03 Research and explore the feasibility / desirability of MZF services as directed by our member fellowship.
3.04 Develop and maintain a resource list of trusted servants within the MZF participants.
3.05 Get together and act more effectively in development of regional motions for inclusion in the CAR or for action at WSC.
4.02 Trusted servants of the MZF are: Co-Facilitators, Secretary, Treasurer and Web Contact. Anyone who notifies the secretary may receive Minutes.
5.02 MZF meeting format.
a. On the Friday before the MZF meeting we will strive to help facilitate a PR event where possible.
b. Open with a recovery meeting with “local flavor” at:
i. Virtual 9:00am
ii. In Person 8:30am
c. The MZF always starts with a recovery meeting to remind those present of our primary purpose.
d. The MZF business meeting begins at 10:00 a.m. immediately following the recovery meeting, with the following agenda:
- Opening
- Moment of silence
- Reading of the Servant Worker’s Prayer
- Introductions
- B-Days and anniversaries since last MZF meeting.
- Roll Call
- 7th Tradition
- Reading one of the Concepts from booklet
- Special Business/Review-Adjust Agenda/Orientation to our process.
- Training Needs
- MZF – Trusted servant reports
- Co-Facilitator A
- Co-Facilitator B
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Web Contact
- Regional reports
- Buckeye
- Chicagoland
- Greater Illinois
- Indiana
- Metro-Detroit
- Minnesota
- Michigan
- Ohio
- Wisconsin
- Other visiting regions/service committees
- Subcommitee/Adhoc Reports
- Prioritize list of topics for discussion
- Basic Services
- Approval of minutes
- Elections
- Next 2 meetings
- Training of participants
- Topics/Discussion
- Closing business (Financial Decisions, Announcements, Next Meeting, Hugs, Prayer…)
Other than Elections all decision are made using consensus. General guidelines are outlined below.
- All members present are full participants in the decision making process.
- Consensus exists when each member of the group can say:
- I have had the opportunity to voice my opinions.
- I believe the group has heard me.
- I can actively support the group’s decision as the best possible action at this time, even if it is not my first choice.
Ground Rules
- Stay open minded
- Listen and share the time.
- Remember to play well with others.
- Don’t forget why we’re here.
- Stay focused on the subject at hand.
- Lively conversation is productive.
- To agree and to disagree… that’s the process.
- One more time- Avoid rreeppeettiittiioonn.
- It’s important to start and stop on time.
Consensus Process
- Motion (idea/solution) presented, Read out loud by facilitator.
- Discussion (See below *1)
- Facilitator asks for Participant Action Options (see below *2) on the motion
- Without objection (block) the motion passes
- Once the decision has been made, act upon what you decide.
Only reaching another consensus can change a consensus decision.
1. Procedure for discussion:
- Define the problem or decision.
- Figure out what must be done to reach a solution.
- Brainstorm possible solution.(see below *3)
- Discuss pros and cons attempting to narrow down the list of ideas/solutions.
- Adjust compromise and fine tune so all members are satisfied.
- Go back to C. (If a consensus is not reached repeat steps 1-5.)
2. Participant’s Action Options:
- To Give Consent (yes)
- To Stand Aside (abstain)
- To Block (no)
To Give Consent When everyone in the group (except those standing aside), says, “Yes” to a motion, consensus is achieved. To give one’s consent does not necessarily mean that one loves every aspect of the motion, but it does mean that one is willing to support the decision and stand in solidarity with the group, despite one’s disagreements.
To Stand Aside An individual stands aside when he or she cannot personally support a motion, but feels it would be all right for the rest of the group to adopt it. Standing aside is a stance of principled nonparticipation, which absolves the individual from any responsibility for implementing the decision in question. If there are more than a few stand asides, consensus has not yet been reached. The Facilitator will determine this.
To Block This step prevents the decision from going forward, at least for the time being. Blocking is a serious matter, and should be exercised with great care. This should be done only when one truly believes that the pending proposal, if adopted, would violate the morals, ethics or safety of the whole group.
Some would say one probably has a lifetime limit of three to four blocks,
So… If you frequently want to block or continually find yourself being the only one blocking, you may wish to reconsider your continuing participation in the group.
3. Online Decision Making
If a discussion on slack leads to a decision needing to be made the announcement will be made through Slack using the @channel, and via email to all of the RD’s, RDA’s, and trusted servants. The email will include what the decision is, a summary of the discussion, and the method for making the decision. Either a vote or a Zoom meeting. Also included will be the date of either when the voting will close or when the meeting will take place. The date needs to be at least one week from the time of the announcement.
4. Brainstorming Guidelines:
- One good idea leads to another… Good idea.
- “No” and “Can’t” do not exist
- Creativity has no limits.
- Be a part of-participate.
- Think fast, analyze later…
- Judging, evaluating, and criticizing is NOT brainstorming..
6.02 Qualifications and Duties of Trusted servants.
- Clean time requirement of 5 years
- Familiar with rules of order as used by MZF
- Not currently serving as Regional Delegate/Alt.
- Term one (1) WSC Conference cycle
- Start meeting on time
- Follow pre-established agenda
- Designated as corporate chair for filing purposes
- Receives and replies to correspondence from web page
- Coordinates the hosting of the MZF with the hosting regional rep, this is to include fliers and PR event where appropriate
- Act as NAWS point of contact
- Signer of the bank account.
- Clean time requirement of 2 years
- Past experience as a secretary desirable
- Ability to type desirable
- Can be a Regional Delegate
- Term one (1) WSC Conference cycle
- Responsible to take minutes of the MZF meetings and distribute them prior to the next MZF meeting
- The minutes will reflect which Regions had delegate/alternate representation and how many other participants were present at some point during the meeting
- Any reports need to be to the secretary no later than 5 days after the MZF meeting
- Minutes will be distributed no later than two weeks after each MZF
- Send minutes to web page two weeks after distribution
- Send minutes to web page no later than two weeks after distribution
- Maintains MZF archival material
- Maintains mailing list of MZF
- The secretary will verify that those receiving minutes wish to continue to receive them
- Signer of the bank account
- Clean time requirement 5 years
- Previous experience as a treasurer
- Can be a Regional Delegate
- Term one (1) WSC Conference cycle
- Keep and maintain all MZF checkbooks and accounts
- Reports at all MZF meetings status of all MZF accounts
- Is signer of the Bank account(s)
- Familiar with the MZF Financial Guidelines
- Handles yearly filing for 501c3/EIN
Web Contact:
- Clean time requirement of 2 years
- Can be a Regional Delegate
- Have Computer / Web access
- Term one (1) WSC Conference cycle
- Reports on all activity of the MZF web page at each MZF meeting.
- Receives all correspondence from the page and forwards to Co Facilitators
- Has access code to Web page.
- Updates Web coordinator with changes directed by the MZF.
- Facilitates any Web committee meetings deemed necessary.
- Maintains E-mail list of MZF
- Once every two years verifies E-mail list and purges as necessary
MZF Representative
- Clean time requirement of 5 years
- Not currently serving as Regional Delegate/Alt
- Not currently serving as a MZF trusted servant
- A minimum of one conference cycle of MZF NA participation
- Term one (1) WSC Conference cycle
- Participate in correspondence with the WSC
- The ability to attend the World Service Conference and to travel as directed by the MZF.
- Strives to embody and express the conscience of the MZF in all NA service activities.
- When possible represents the MZF at the World Service Conference, presenting a Zonal report to the WSC.
- Maintains lines of communication between the MZF and other NA zones throughout the world.
- Avails the MZF minutes from meetings of:
- The World Service Conference
- The World Board
- Because this is a new position, it will be subject to changes as needed .
Registered Agent:
- A minimum of 5 years of continuous clean time.
- Can be a Regional Delegate or MZF trusted servant
- Must have a stable address (not a P.O.Box)
- Term one (1) WSC Conference cycle
- Registered Agent is the Legal Mailing address of the Corperation (MZF-INC.)
- They receive and facilitate filing of the Annual corporate report.
Add Hoc Committees Chairperson:
- A minimum of two years of continuous clean time.
- A minimum of one year of NA service experience.
- This Chairperson shall be appointed by the MZF Facilitator. Any other positions the ad-hoc committee or MZF deems necessary will be recruited by committee members
- Ad-hoc chairpersons shall have equal status as MZF elected trusted servants.
- This committee shall perform the task(s) as requested by the conference and/or the MZF Facilitator, report back to the conference when finished and then be dissolved at the direction of the MZF.
ARTICLE 6.03 Removal of Trusted Servants.
- No MZF trusted servant shall be removed from office without cause
- A vote of removal shall be done by ballot
The primary purpose of the Midwest Zonal Forum (MZF) web site is to provide participants in the Midwest United States a forum for the exchange of information on problems and issues confronting the regions of the Midwest U.S. and to further NA’s primary purpose by facilitating communication, cooperation and growth thru the World Wide Web
The membership of the Internet Committee should be made up of a web coordinator and any other interested addicts.
- The committee will be based on a consensus based decision-making process.
- Only the Web contact person and web coordinator will have access to input the page.
- The committee will choose a Web Coordinator
- The web contact person will give a report on activity of web page at each MZF meeting.
- Meetings will be held as deemed necessary.
The committee may change format as they see necessary. The MZF participants will need to approve any other content not listed here
- Purpose statement and guidelines of the MZF
- Participating MZF Regional names and contact information
- MZF minutes without the contact lists and treasurer’s reports.
- Function List/ or Link to Calendar of events from around the MZF
- Updated after every MZF meeting.
- When available: MZF meetings, and participating Regional meeting.
- Changes will only be accepted from Regional delegates or the MZF.
- Hot Links
- NAWS, Area, and Regional websites within the participating regions of the MZF.
- Contacts
- Regional delegates may have their contact information presented on the page. This may include regional trusted servant and subcommittee info. Approval must be received from individual member whose info will be posted.
- Summary of Events / Discussions of MZF
- Updated yearly.
- MZF Meetings
- MZF Subcommittee Meetings
- MRSLD Meetings
- MRSLD Subcommittee Meetings
- Member Region Meetings
- Member Region Subcommittee Meetings
8.02) Other MZF or Member Region sponsored meetings
Meeting Requests
- Time slots are on a first come first served basis
- Standing/Recurring meetings may be setup
- If a standing meeting would fall in the same timeslot of a full meeting of the MZF the MZF meeting will take priority
- Requests for meeting times should be submitted to the MZF web servant electronically
- Slack
- Text Message
b.) At least one reference must be a member of the MZF at the time of submittal.
c.) The trusted servants of the MZF will be responsible for checking the references at the time of submittal.
d.)The secretary of the MZF will be responsible for maintaining the profile records.
The records will include the profile, the notes from the reference checks, and a brief synopsis of the candidate’s qualifications by at least 2 of the current MZF trusted servants.
e.) Any group, Area, or Region of the MZF may request suggestions for potential service commitments from the MZF. The secretary will pull all potential candidates and provide their name, number, e-mail and the synopsis to the requesting service body.
g.) Update and/or purge resume every 5 years.
The MZF shall meet on advanced planning is the key here. If negotiations are made well in advance you have a much better chance of getting the necessary facilities and reasonable prices. The MZF meetings locations will rotate among Regions following this established schedule; Greater-Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin, Chicagoland, Metro Detroit, and Buckeye. The MZF will have an informal meeting at the WSC. Our first meeting after the WSC is a conference cycle planning meeting and the last one prior to the WSC is a CAR/CAT review meeting
Who is responsible?
The hosting RD will coordinate with the MZF Co Facilitator on the agenda, site requirements and negotiation efforts of the weekend.
Financial information:
The MZF may provide the hosting area with up to $500 toward meeting room costs. Upon finalization of negotiations with the facility, the contact person is to notify the MZF Treasurer with the facility address, phone number, contact person and cost. Do not guarantee the rooms and sign anything that would indicate a guarantee.
Meeting room setup requirements:
Knowledge of how to negotiate with hotels is helpful. You can usually get the meeting rooms at a reduced cost by letting the hotel know that we will be renting rooms and eating at their restaurant (if they have one).
- Every effort should be made to insure that ALL facilities used are wheelchair accessible.
- Regularly scheduled meetings of the MZF are non-smoking. There may be a designated smoking area outside of the main room.
- Ethernet or private WiFi network availability preferred and electrical outlets nearby.
The meeting room should be spacious and capable of comfortably accommodating thirty people. The room should be secured from 7:30am to 6:00pm on Saturday and 9:00am – 5:00 pm Sunday. We need 1 table for a “flyer table”. It is suggested that the hosting Area provide a recovery meeting from 8am – 9am, prior to MZF.
Sleeping rooms:
We will need between ten and twenty rooms on Friday and Saturday night. Keep in mind some members simply cannot afford $120 a night hotel rooms. If secondary, lower cost lodging is available nearby, include this information in your flyers. DO NOT Guarantee a room block. The MZF will NOT be responsible for any room block negotiated with a hotel.
MZF Co facilitator is responsible with making sure the Flyers out no later than the MZF prior to hosting the MZF weekend. Preparation of the informational flier (for distribution at the prior Regional meeting, if possible)
Should include the following information:
- Meeting date
- Contact phone number(s) for hosting Area
- Hotel address and phone number
- Room rate with group rate deadline date and code for negotiated discount, if applicable.
- Map with directions
Helpful Hints:
Additional helpful information to have on hand:
- Local meeting information
- Local restaurant information
- Local copy center information
If possible, use a facility that includes hotel rooms and meeting rooms. It is always tempting to use a number of facilities to keep costs down; however cost has to be weighed against convenience. If it just isn’t possible to hold the entire weekend event at one location no more than one other facility should be used, and there should be detailed maps at all locations. The MZF meeting may be held in locations other than a conference room at the hotel; examples like a church basement, community center, or school. Remember the size of room we need is to be spacious and capable of comfortably accommodating thirty (30) people. Region will only pay up to $500.00 for the space per cycle.
Financial Procedures for Midwest Zonal Forum (MZF)
Bank Accounts should be opened with a corporate resolution signed by the corporation secretary. The corporate chair, co-chair, secretary and treasurer should be ‘designated people’ authorized to inquire on the account status.
F3.02 Signatures
- The MZF Treasurer, the Co-Facilitators and the Secretary shall be designated as the signers of the bank account.
- The Treasurer will be responsible for obtaining and submitting to the bank the completed signature card and picture id copy for any new signers.
- Any signature card must be accompanied by a letter on “MZF letterhead” indicating which names are to remain as authorized signatures on the account.
- Checks drawn on the MZF bank account shall require two signatures for any and all transactions whenever practical.
- No two signers of the MZF bank account may reside in the same household.
- No Trusted Servant may sign a check made out to themselves.
F3.03 Statements
The statements are mailed to the MZF secretary for archives and the secretary sends a copy of the statement to the treasurer for reconciliation.
F3.04 Reconciliation
The check register is reconciled with each bank statement.
F3.05 Audit
When the treasurer’s term ends, the MZF shall audit the books utilizing an ad-hoc committee comprised of at least one of the MZF Co-facilitators, the Treasurer or Vice Treasurer, a Regional Service Delegate, a member of the MZF with past treasurer experience, and if the MZF deems it necessary an outside professional auditor, before turning the books over to the new treasurer.
F4.02 A copy of each receipt(s) shall be returned to the addict, group, area, subcommittee or other entity that donated or generated the money.
F4.03 Receipts for revenue received between MZF meetings will be returned to the respective addict, group, area, subcommittee or other entity that donated or generated the money at the next MZF meeting.An electronic receipt will be sent upon request.
F4.04 Copies of the receipt(s) shall be returned to the MZF Co-Facilitator and Secretary for all such revenues that come from the body as a whole, such as 7th Tradition or interest earned.
The treasurer (or other signature) can only expend money for approved expenditures. However, there are several types of expenditures that are pre-approved not requiring waiting until the next forum. If the expenditure does not fit the definitions (below) of regular, interim or budgeted, then it is a general expenditure that requires approval at the forum before the expenditure can be made. An expense voucher must be completed for all expenditures and copies of the bill to be paid or the receipts of the payment attached.
F5.02 Regular Expenditures
Regular expenditures are paid by the treasurer in a timely manor and do not require additional approval. The list of regular expenditures are pre-approved by the MZF and generally include any bills such as bank charges, postage, copies, rent, etc. unless the size of the bill exceeds any caps defined by the MZF. This approved regular expenditure list should be maintained by the treasurer and archived by the secretary.
F5.03 Interim Expenditures
Interim expenditures are those that occur between forums that must be paid before the next forum and are not already approved regular or budgeted expenditures. In order to receive approval to pay these expenses (or obligating these expenses), a consensus must be reached of at lease 3 of the forum officers (co facilitators, treasurer, secretary and web contact) and a report of these expenditures must be made at the next MZF meeting (and included in the minutes).
F5.04 Budgeted Expenditures
A budget may be approved by the MZF for an upcoming event where each predicted expense is itemized in the budget with the selected vendor (if appropriate), the estimated amount and the maximum amount approved. Before the MZF approves a budget, it should be accompanied by any bids or estimates of expenditures by the vendors (if possible) and the treasurer should verify its feasibility. When such a budget is approved, the treasurer is authorized to make expenditures to the approved vendors up to the maximum amount without requiring additional approval. A full report must be prepared at the next scheduled MZF meeting showing actual expenditures compared to budgeted amounts.
Approved Budgeted Expenditures For: | |||
Type | Vendor | Estimated Amount | Maximum Amount |
Total Budgeted Amounts: |
F5.05 Advances
Advances are made to forum members for anticipated expenses where it is not practical for the forum to be billed or to write a check directly. The treasurer is only authorized to advance money for approved expenditures (meeting the above defined requirements). A voucher is opened when the advance is made, stating the advanced amount, and the receiver of the advanced money must sign it. After the expense, the voucher is completed itemizing all expenses and all receipts must be attached. The payee must return any unused advanced money.
F5.06 Reimbursements
The treasurer can reimburse members for any authorized expenditure when the member returns copies of receipts and copies of any bank or credit card statements showing that the payment was made. An expense voucher is made for the reimbursement and signed by the recipient and all statements and receipts are attached.
F6.02 MZF expenditures shall be dispersed at the MZF meeting in accordance with the following list of priorities:
- Outstanding bills per previous MZF motions.
- Reimburse expenditures of Trusted Servants.
- Replenish reserves
- Disburse funds as per present MZF motions.
F7.02 Expenses in excess of these funds, or requests for funds by other individuals directed to, or required to travel, will be reimbursed after a motion to reimburse the expense is brought by the individual, or a designated party, to the MZF for approval.
F7.03 The reserves are as follows: as of 10/2017
Co-facilitators reserve
$100.00 lodging, $60.00 meals, $50 workshop expenses
Secretary reserve
$100.00 lodging, $60.00 meals, $50 copies
Treasurer reserve
$100.00 lodging, $60.00 meals
Web Contact
$100.00 lodging, $60.00 meals
MZF Representative
$100.00 lodging, $60.00 meals
Meeting room
Up to $500.00 for expenses
Multi Region Learning Day
Lodging, meals, meeting room
F7.04 The Treasurer shall be able to disburse funds up to $500 to cover the meeting room expenses at the MZF meeting without a procedural vote.
F7.05 The Treasurer shall be able to disburse funds for MZF trusted servants as requested (Co Facilitators, Treasurer, Web Contact, Secretary, and MZF Representative) for travel to meetings of the MZF without a procedural vote for the expenses in the following amounts:
- Travel: Restricted to the mode of transportation that is cost effective and time efficient. Trusted Servants will be reimbursed upon presentment of receipts for gas and tolls or airline tickets.
- Lodging: The amount necessary to provide the lodging at the Hosting Regions recommended hotel. 50% per night maximum.
Only MZF trusted servants would occupy the rooms paid for by the MZF. Any others would require unanimous consent of the aforementioned MZF Trusted Servants.
c. Meals: Meal allowances $30 a day maximum.
F8.02 Interim Expenditures Report
Any interim expenditure must be reported at the next forum meeting, and a full accounting is available (all vouchers and receipts).
F8.03 Income/Expense and Balance Report
An ongoing quarterly fund flow report will be maintained and reconciled to the bank account register. The previous two years will be provided to the secretary to include with the minutes and the entire historical report is available on request.