Upcoming Events Across the Zone
Room rate $115 double occupancy
(330) 494-2770
Mention MZF
Other options available
Free parking
Saturday, July 23, 2016 (at hotel)
8AM-10AM in the Walnut Room: Recovery Meeting
10AM-8PM in the Walnut Room: 2016/17 Cycle Planning
(Breaks for lunch and dinner as decided by group)
Sunday, July 24, 2016 (at hotel)
8AM-10AM in the Walnut Room: MZF Business Meeting
The Multi-Zonal Service Symposium offers an opportunity for the exchange of experience, strength, and hope between members of NA service. This event, with its broad diversity of our fellowship, fosters the magic of service that happens when members gather from greater distances to share best practices in serving the suffering addict and fulfilling our primary purpose. Through NA zones working together in a spirit of unity and cooperation to support the groups in carrying our message of recovery, the symposium’s purpose is to inspire and instill in participants the joy of service by mentoring and learning collaboration.